*** /dev/xvda1 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***
Recently this message popped up on the MOTD of the 阅读更多…
好文!转自 IBM Linux 文档库:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-cn-shell-debug/
一. 前言
shell编程在unix/linux世界中使用得非常广泛,熟练掌握shell编程也是成为一名优秀的unix/linux开发者和系统管理员的必经之路。 (更多…)
原英文教程见 (Original tutorial in English)
About copyright: I sent e-mail to Jonathan McPherson (author of this tutorial) to ask whether I could translate this tutorial into Chinese and post it on my web log. Jonathan supported my request. All rights of this tutorial belongs to Jonathan, if you want to redistribute or use it for other purpose, please ask Jonathan. You can find his contact information on his website http://jmcpherson.org/contact.html. Thanks to Jonathan McPherson for his greate tutorial.
声明: 我给此教程作者Jonathan McPherson发送电子邮件, 询问是否可以把它翻译成中文并贴在我的web log上, 他同意了我的要求. 关于此教程, 所有的权利属于作者Jonathan, 如果你希望转载或者把此教程用于其它用途, 请与作者Jonathan联系, 你可以在他的网站找到他的联系方法 http://jmcpherson.org/contact.html. 感谢作者Jonathan写了这篇精彩的教程(至少个人认为非常有用). (更多…)
Efficient Editing With vim
“To me, vi is Zen.
To use vi is to practice zen.
Every command is a koan.
Profound to the user,
unintelligible to the uninitiated.
You discover truth every time you use it.”
[email protected]
This tutorial assumes a basic knowledge of vim — insert mode, command mode, loading and saving files, etc. It is intended to help vi novices develop their skills so that they can use vi efficiently. (更多…)